Saturday, June 25, 2011

Eat the Street June 2011

balut battle at Eat the Street
The June 2011 edition of Eat the Street, held Friday, June 24, featured a porkapalooza theme with the added bonus of a balut survival, make that eating, contest.

No doubt Elenas Restaurant (@ElenasFilipino) lechon made pork people happy but it was their balut battle that was a highlight of the evening. The brave souls, pictured above, sucked and slurped away on the boiled fertilized duck embryos. Each contestant proudly wore the Elena's "I survived eating balut" t-shirt.

The food trucks at Eat the Street were asked to present a pork flavored dish for the Eat the Street Pig Out! theme. Some brought the full flavor. Baja Style (@BajaStyleHI) brought the whole (roasted) hog. One of the more subtle flavors that was a big hit was OnoPops (@OnoPops) peanut butter and bacon paleta.

Eat the Street happens the last Friday of every month. Save the date July 29, 2011 for the next Eat the Street. The July event will be garlic-themed so you'll probably be smelling it a week away anyway! For more details see For more photos from the June event, check out the Eat the Street Pig Out! on Nonstop Honolulu.

Mobile photos by Honolulu Mark

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