Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Mr. Bacon vs. Monsieur Tofu safe, but what of Ballard?

Those of us who were sad to hear that Archie McPhee will be closing it's brick-n-mortar store in Ballard, having lost their lease, were rejoicing that AM will still have a home in nearby Wallingford. Seattlest reported that "Archie McPhee finds a new home" on the corner of 45th and Stone Way.

Ballard, I feel your pain! First, Sunset Bowl and now Archie McPhee! At least, Mr. Bacon and Monsieur Tofu can continue their epic contests.

Discuss: What does this say about the "progress" of urban development that is attracted to neighborhoods like Ballard which seems to then lead to the demise of what was unique and attractive in said neighborhoods?

Bowling alleys were once part of the town square effect in neighborhoods but not anymore? A friendly shop down the street where you could go to get your boxing nuns and Lenin head pops, that doesn't count for something? What makes a neighborhood a community?

Discuss - while you can - over coffee and cupcakes, a cup of chai or tapas and tempranillo. I'll see you there. Smile and say hello.

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